Blogs > Lighten Up With Jim

55-year-old James Horejs, of Mentor, is a contestant in The News-Herald's Lighten Up in 2013.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hitting the Lottery

The other day, I was thinking about this contest and a few other topics.  My realistic thoughts turned into a vivid daydream, which then snowballed into my imagination running wild.

You know when the Power Ball or Mega Millions lottery jackpots reach hundreds of millions of dollars and everyone dreams of winning?  If you won, what would you do?

I started to think, "When I achieve all of my fitness goals, what will I do?"  Then I started to look at where I stand right now relative to where I want to be.  All of my fitness goals were not too lofty, so they are within reach.  Not easy reach, but within reach.

Like in the comics, a light bulb lit up over my head.  (Make that an energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulb since this is a "green" blog.)

Reaching all of my fitness goals would be like hitting the lottery.

Imagine being the lottery winner - the new millionaire  - who doesn't really need to work again.  Winning the lottery isn't just about a huge amount of money and the ability to buy frivolous things.  It's really about what having money does for you.  It gives you controlControl of your life.

Like many lottery winners who choose to keep working because work is all they ever knew, winning the Fitness Lottery gives you similar control.

When you win the Fitness Lottery, you can keep working out, but you do so on your terms.  When you hit the Fitness Lottery, maybe once in a while, you can have pizza.  Or a cinnamon roll.  Once you have control of the diet and exercise aspects of your life, you can do whatever you want.  Life choices are a little easier than spending all day in the produce department or in the grocery aisles reading nutritional labels.  Or worrying about one piece of birthday cake going directly to your hips or butt or belly or thighs.  

Chances are, if you are a past winner of the Fitness Lottery, you already know what nutritional labels say or what it will take to lose that piece of cake you choose to eat. 

And winning the Fitness Lottery doesn't even cost a buck for a ticket.


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