This Contest is Crazy
Congratulations to all who advanced to the second half of the contest, especially to those on the bubble who literally busted their butts this past week. To those who did not advance, please do not get discouraged. Continue a healthy diet and fitness regimen and reach your goals anyway, even if it takes some time. If you still don't make the progress you expect and require more motivation, consider entering the contest next year and be sure to take advantage of the great resources that are made available.
This experience has been wonderful. Personally, I have worked as hard as humanly possible to achieve more than I ever could have imagined. And we're only half-way home.
Success is my continuing motivation. The more goals accomplished, the harder I want to work. My next goal is to get done. By "done", I mean to reach my wildest, lowest weight target. What's that? Marathon weight of about 148.
Can this possibly be reached before the end of the contest? Who knows. At 55 years of age, I am already treading in uncharted territory, doing things I haven't been able to do for decades. This is ridiculous to even think about, but I'm actually there right now.
I will keep running hard and let's see how far this crazy ride will take me. And i wish that everyone else's ride takes them as far as their wildest dreams can possibly take them.
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